Booking Conditions

All walkers are asked to pre-book onto walks using the contact telephone numbers indicated with each walk in the programme (unless otherwise stated). We ask all walkers to read the booking information and conditions on this page before coming along on each of our walks.

Young People

Children under the age of 18 are welcome but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian over the age of 18.


Dogs are welcome on all walks, at the discretion of the Leader, and kept under effective control at all times (click here for the Ramblers Association Dog Walking Code).

All ‘Dog Poo’ must be picked up and disposed of responsibly.


To enable the leader to be aware of the number of walkers they expect to meet/lead for the duration of the walk – numbers vary from walk to walk depending on the terrain, type of walk and the leader.

To enable leaders to collect the required details for each walker, i.e. disclosure of any medical information that is pertinent for the duration of the walk and emergency contact details.


It is the responsibility of all walkers to ensure that they are physically fitness levels are sufficient to take part in their chosen walks. 


It is the responsibility of all walkers to ensure that they bring any medication they may have need of during the walk, i.e. inhalers, epi-pens, GTN spray, etc, and that they let the Leader know.

Clothing, Footwear,
Food and Drink

It is the responsibility of all walkers to ensure that they have with them appropriate clothing and footwear for the conditions likely to be encountered, i.e. appropriate footwear, waterproof clothing, additional warm layers, hats/gloves and sunscreen.

It is recommended that walkers bring food and water adequate for their needs and the duration of the walk. The leader has a right to turn away walkers who are not adequately equipped.


When you are in the countryside you are at risk of being bitten by a tick. Ticks can carry a variety of diseases so it is important that you know what to do if you are bitten, or how to avoid being bitten in the first place. For more information go to:


All walks are non-smoking.


The organisers have endeavoured to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the safety of all participants during the walks. However, the organisers cannot be held liable, for any injury to, loss of or damage to, personal or any other property, however caused except to the extent to which it results from the direct negligence of the organisers and where the organisers owed a duty of care. We advise you to take out insurance against accident and personal injury.